Save Cleaner: Works by going through your save file and deleting every REFR file, which will most likely break your save. Essentially the same function is performed safely by the. Zan AutoPurge Crash Protector/PCB Hotkey: The script command used by these mods is a leftover command from development that forcefully clears buffered cells from memory, which can lead to unforeseen consequences. ENBoost also needs a lot of system-specific configuration to work properly and can degrade performance without proper tweaking.ĮNB in general for New Vegas has been more or less abandoned by its author in favor of Skyrim. There is no reason to use NVSR, even on Windows 7.ĮNBoost: New Vegas Tick Fix has much better memory management than ENBoost, and will increase performance/decrease stuttering more. These mods also have many great features that NVSR never had, like the high FPS physics fix. Will cause crashes every ~15 minutes.Įvery single feature from NVSR has been replaced in a modern manner by the combination of New Vegas Tick Fix, New Vegas Heap Replacer,Īnd lStewieAl's Tweaks. Once in the game you can simply reload one of your old saves.New Vegas Stutter Remover: Irreparably broken by Windows 10 due to relying on undefined behavior. Now, next time you encounter a loading screen that goes on forever, restart the game and load that save. When Doc Mitchell is done with you and you’ve regained control of your character create a hard save at this point. It doesn’t matter whether you create the same character or not. You’ll wake up Doc Mitchell’s house where you’ll once again be guided though creating your character. Note that you’ll want to retain any saves you may have to this point. Very annoying.Ī simple work-around for this problem is to start a new game. When this happens the actual game will not launch and game play cannot continue. One intermittent problem that remains, however, is an an infinite loading screen. GOG has done an excellent job of fixing most of the bugs, crashes and other problems that continue to plague the version of the game available from Steam. For this play through I bought the game anew from GOG.com.

With the Corona-19 virus curbing my outdoor activities I decided to have another go at playing Fallout: New Vegas on PC.