You're also more than welcome to suggest what songs to replace with what if I haven't already done so or help me choose better suiting songs.

I do like the default music in this game, it's beautiful, but if you've been playing for a long time and want a bit of a change, then give this a whirl. I want to try and keep a few songs in, like the songs related to your marriage choices. However, I do want to get everything or mostly everything replaced in time.

I haven't replaced every track in the game yet, and there are a few repeats for some of the tracks. I am also debating a Wind Waker / Twilight Princess version and doing a Pokemon pack as well to compliment the many Pokemon mods for Stardew Valley. So I constantly get Legend of Zelda vibes while playing this game and thought I would share a music mod that I made to start replacing the songs with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask era sound.